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In the modern day, the progression of scientific knowledge has allowed human beings to advance, evolve, and industrialize, creating the technologies that we rely on today. The forefront of our civilization is largely driven by creating convenience and fulfilling human needs through these technologies. As a result, large industries constantly strive to create new products and compete against each other for capitalistic gains. Overtime, these monetary goals have blinded the majority of human beings from the importance of care, attention, and respect to other living species. Humans have put themselves at the center of the world, deeming themselves as the most important and most intelligent species. We, as a species, have ignored and destroyed our connection with nature by polluting, consuming, and demolishing natural geographies and resources. Examples such as creating artificial lands for commercial and residential purposes or destroying natural geographies for transportation and touristic purposes have constantly put human needs in the forefront. 


However, in recent years, situations such as air pollution, global warming, and species extinction have begun to open our eyes to the heavy damage we have done to the natural environment. Although the earth has constantly been providing us with resources, we have forgotten about the need for reciprocity to maintain a balanced and healthy relationship. As a result of this realization, new movements, technologies, bio-experimentations, such as CRISPR, biomaterials, GMO products, and environmentally friendly products, have been emerging as an attempt to restore our relationship with nature. However, many of these companies continue to be human centric. Although a healthier connection and a better environment are created, the consent from the use of other species is ignored. As a result, there needs to be a better solution in ways to connect and respect other species. One of the best ways to respect other beings is to communicate and mutually compromise on opposing opinions. In this world of cast species, microbes make up over two-thirds of the planet. Hence, we begin to ask ourselves, How can humans live harmoniously with microbes? How can we de-industrialize metropolitan areas to allow for microbial diversity? How can we improve earth’s health? How can we decrease pollution? If a method of communication was established between humans and microbes, we could possibly solve all these issues and live symbiotically. 


Our speculative design idea is a nature created, self-contained robot, called A.M.R.S.A.. A.M.R.S.A. can adapt to the surrounding nature and environment and work with plant microbiomes to facilitate the process of regrowth, evolution, and adjustment in a larger space, building a world connected to nature. 

Background Research

Currently, all living species in this world are classified by three different domains, the Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukaryota. Two domains out of the three, Archaea and Bacteria, are solely microorganisms, while the Eukaryote domain contains microbes and multicellular organisms. As a result, the majority of the living species on our planet are microorganisms. These microorganisms can be found anywhere. They inhabit and adapt to all types of environments that are inhabitable by the human species. Furthermore, they are able to live, adapt, and change human contaminated areas(Tshikantwa et al., 2018, p. 15). Although these microorganisms occupy the majority of our planet, the human species continue to place their needs and desires in the limelight. Hence, human thinking and logic are anthropomorphic as a result of lacking understanding of other living species. 

Throughout all the years of research, we have barely scratched a dent in learning about the knowledge and capabilities behind microbial ecosystems. As the human species have begun to realize the positive effects from understanding microorganisms and their interactions with humankind, the strive to comprehend these species have drastically impacted our scientific communities (Tshikantwa et al., 2018, p. 2). The comprehension of microbial interactions has helped develop new methods in wastewater treatments, disease prevention, drug development, food production, reducing heavy metal contamination, and more (Tshikantwa et al., 2018, p. 15). As scientists continue to discover forms of communication within microbial ecosystems and study genomics, humans can bring together “mechanistic and evolutionary approaches to providing solutions to possible life challenges” (Tshikantwa et al., 2018, p. 15). Furthermore, scientists have also discovered the adaptability of microbial communities in chemical environments. Through research, we have discovered that microbes work in community structures and adapt to environmental changes as a group (Wallenstein & Hall, 2012, p. 39). Microbial systems have complex social behaviors of communication, competition, cooperation, and synchronization between different microorganisms (West et al., 2007, p. 54). Depending on the elements within an environment, the microorganisms change their physiology and biochemistry differently, illustrating the possibilities of their adaptation (Poursat et al., 2019, p. 2225). According to Poursat et al., microbial ecosystems have the ability to acclimate and undergo a “a series of enzyme induction processes” resulting in “biochemical changes in order to initiate the biodegradation of a specific substrate”. Microbial communities are capable of much more than the current knowledge that humans have, so it is important to allow these other living species to have their own agency.


As an attempt to speculate the possibility of A.M.R.S.A. , a nature-made microbial “robot”, we began our research in exploring how microbial biosensors have the potential to detect and quantify information, such as light levels, temperature, pH levels, and metabolic statuses (Lim et al., 2015, p. 2). These microbial detection systems suggest “new analytical methods for the identification of real, unknown multi-samples with improved selectivity” (Lim et al., 2015, p. 10). Although this type of sensor is still limited in ability and comprehension, it provides an opportunity to speculate a possible world where microbes have the ability to collect, assemble, and transfer quantifiable data. We can further speculate about the possibility of establishing a data-based communication between microbes and humans. 


In a distinctive scope of looking into microbial interconnectivity, researchers demonstrated a complicated connection in a host-microbiome system by building biomimetic robots using silico tool as hosts with a living microbiome (Heyde & Ruder, 2015, p. 4). By learning the framework of “Microbial consortia”, which is a microbial community that consists of multiple species living symbiotically and they shared intertwined biochemical networks, as well as being inspired by the emerging concept of synthetic biology and electrical engineering, researchers discovered that “a synthetic gene network”, which enabled possibilities on a potential understanding from connection between a living bacteria and a programmable biochemical network (Heyde & Ruder, 2015, p. 2). According to the experiment, the structure of these robots are envisioned to be in a modules system, which consists of an information exchanging process including chemical, optical and electrical signals. And with these signals that are constantly adapting and firing, the result is that the robot movements largely depend upon the biochemical network dynamics within the microbiome that is targeted as living cells (Heyde & Ruder, 2015, p. 6). Therefore, this concept has potential to be replicated into further development between the microbes and a possibly living interface as a host-microbiome interaction.


As the biochemical network indicated above, a specific behavioral pattern shown within a microbial connectivity is the result of many interactions among the ecosystem. And these are important components of a microbial interaction network. According to the researchers, a structure of the microbial interaction network can indicate an accurate inference of “a constructive mechanism” within their interactions by introducing ML with a fixed training set of models to predict and provide possible outcomes (Qu et al., 2019, p. 6). With this potential indication on computational intelligence methods, we can further speculate the use of data gathered within the microbial network and possibly create a connective channel of mutual understanding.


Looking at the research done by the references throughout our background research , there is a clear hierarchy in how humans perceive other living organisms. These organisms and their actions are classified as either beneficial or harmful towards humans, demonstrating the anthropomorphic view in our scientific communities which are generally regarded as non biased and “truthful”. Hence our speculative project attempts to provide the possibility for plant microbes to repopulate and reduce the destruction and pollution in human populated locations.

Rationale and Project Description

As mentioned in our introduction, our project aims to create a speculative interface, constructed as a self-containing robot called A.M.R.S.A. It will serve as a central resource hub primarily for the plant microbiome and also can be potentially for establishment of a new communication channel along with the humans as well. Its main purposes are to redesign habitation, provide resources and eventually become a part of nature. By designing this type of interface based on the concept of micro/nanotechnological method in biosensors, the theory of memetic biology and the adaptive approach of nature machine learning, we hope to convey the idea that less human-centric interferes towards the development of nature, less toxic hierarchical structure appeared in thinking of species. And eventually, we can hopefully begin the change between a human-centered system of living to a place where all species are respectful towards each other. 


To further comprehend our project, the A.M.R.S.A’s mechanism will be created using new forms of “electrical wiring” that is plant based. Based on our speculation, there will be a new form of communication channel to grow along with the xylem and phloem which transports water and nutrients within a plant stem. As a method of communication, this new “tube” can transfer information through the biosensors within the robot's body. Within each tube, there are countless types of signaling information that are mostly analysis of the terrain and environmental factors such as light, humidity, water, geography, etc. Based on our research, there is potential to achieve the level of sensitivity, high selectivity and rapid response time with high resolution and accuracy of gathering information from microbiomes. And with the development of automation and miniaturization of the current tech applied to the mechanisms and also with optical/electrochemical detection systems, it allows microbial biosensors to be used in an effective, efficient, and practical manner. And also in terms of the material, we speculated that there will be enhancement of bio-compatibility of fabrication processes and materials, long-term cultivation and reusability, and contamination and shelf-life of those microbial biosensors. 


Along with the idea that an organism’s evolutionary structure is determined by how well it utilizes environmental metabolites, we consider this interface to be both organism and an environment that is reciprocal with the microbe, but also serve as stimulations for the microbe. And they will be placed in different environments to adapt and grow depending on the microbes and environment of their particular area. As a result, every A.M.R.S.A will take on a different shape and contain different microbes, and they will become a “device” for the microbes to help facilitate the process of native/natural plant regrowth over a larger surface area, such as desert mine, polluted river sites, trash dumps site, etc. Therefore, they will continue to grow, develop, and change with the surrounding environment along with the microbiome by being able to transport and provide incubation spaces for them. By accomplishing this placement, we hope to establish microbiome-to-host communication, as well as host-to-microbiome information flow. Finally, by observing and processing all the behaviors and requests, it will also form a connection of natural machine learning with all the microbiomic data, and a better understanding within the ecosystem with constant feedback feedings, so that robotic algorithms can help the robot form multiple possible structures. Regarding the lifespan of this interface, it can also sense when there are malfunctions and when it no longer works. Since it is naturally powered, its center core, which is the memory of all processed requests and data sequencing, will continue going into the earth and sprout as a plant/A.M.R.S.A symbionts with all the encoded information ready to process and providing help to facilitate growth of plants.


Over a long period of time, these plants will begin to replace the human infrastructure as the industrialized infrastructure deteriorates. And the role of A.M.R.S.A in this specific time will finally be a bridge to allow proper communication between humans and microbes, and with reciprocal collaboration and mutual respect, they will be able to create things such as, city planning and rebuilding, replacing water tanks and street lamps, redesigning transportational structure and network system that will benefit and satisfy all species, breaking the hierarchy where human’s decisions were once priority above all, and achieving planetary changes in a healthy way.


Our final deliverable for this speculative project is a mixed media installation includes a short ad about introducing A.M.R.S.A for microbial community and displaying a progress of succession, a demo illustrative video showcases how A.M.R.S.A communicate with the microbiome and demonstrate possibilities of the world building, and a mini hologram bring different iterations of the A.M.R.S.A to life. 


Heyde, K. C., & Ruder, W. C. (2015). Exploring Host-Microbiome Interactions using an in Silico Model of Biomimetic Robots and Engineered Living Cells. Scientific Reports, 5(1), 11988.


Lim, J. W., Ha, D., Lee, J., Lee, S. K., & Kim, T. (2015). Review of Micro/Nanotechnologies for Microbial Biosensors. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 3.


Poursat, B. A. J., van Spanning, R. J. M., de Voogt, P., & Parsons, J. R. (2019). Implications of microbial adaptation for the assessment of environmental persistence of chemicals. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 49(23), 2220–2255.


Qu, K., Guo, F., Liu, X., Lin, Y., & Zou, Q. (2019). Application of Machine Learning in Microbiology. Frontiers in Microbiology, 10.


Tshikantwa, T. S., Ullah, M. W., He, F., & Yang, G. (2018). Current Trends and Potential Applications of Microbial Interactions for Human Welfare. Frontiers in Microbiology, 9.


Wallenstein, M. D., & Hall, E. K. (2012). A trait-based framework for predicting when and where microbial adaptation to climate change will affect ecosystem functioning. Biogeochemistry, 109(1), 35–47.


West, S. A., Diggle, S. P., Buckling, A., Gardner, A., & Griffin, A. S. (2007). The Social Lives of Microbes. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, 38(1), 53–77.

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